This sophisticated sidestone engagement ring from Tacori is the best proposal gift. This engagement ring features elaborate details and a contemporary design. Its polished platinum frame can stand the test of time. A shining not included (sold separately) center stone is a lasting choice for this piece. Hannoush in Massachusetts provides shoppers with an outstanding jewelry experience. Let our talented designers create your dream design. To learn more, contact us online or over the phone today!

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Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687cu65y
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687ov85x65w
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687rd75pk
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 55-2CU65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 48RD65
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 40-15RD6
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 57-2OV75X55W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 41-3RD75
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 200-2RD65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 49CUP65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2686pr75pk
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2686ps10x7y
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687cu65y
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687ov85x65w
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687rd75pk
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 55-2CU65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 48RD65
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 40-15RD6
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 57-2OV75X55W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 41-3RD75
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 200-2RD65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 49CUP65W
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2686pr75pk
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2686ps10x7y
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687cu65y
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687ov85x65w
Tacori Sculpted Crescent Engagement Ring 2687rd75pk
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